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252 projects for a resilient and quality living environment Pierre Hurt, CEO of the OAI

The 4th edition of is the reference for discovering contemporary architecture, engineering and urban planning in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This tool is well established to support Luxembourg tourism industry actors – the Ministry of the Economy, the DGT1 , LfT2 , the ORT3 , the LCTO4 , the ECTO5 – as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture – KulturLX – and the Chamber of Commerce in promoting the Luxembourg destination. International tourist guides also rely on the richness of this initiative. The 354 projects submitted following the call for proposals stress out the enthusiasm of OAI members for this guide. While maintaining the layout of the 14 itineraries, the OAI/Maison Moderne selection committee examined these proposals and the previous edition with the aim of ensuring the quality and consistency of the whole. The 102 objects not included in the book are however presented on the site Three new initiatives can be discovered:

  •  Each of the 14 itineraries is accessible on the Geoportal via a QR Code listed on the map.
  •  11 lodgings on the Minett Trail6 which winds through the territory of the eleven municipalities gathered within the Pro-Sud intermunicipal syndicate. These lodgings with unusual architecture intended to accommodate hikers through the construction of buildings and/or the renovation of existing structures, are the result of an architectural competition co-organised by Pro-Sud and the OAI.
  •  The “Wine and Architecture” initiative7 is highlighted by the presentation of part of the Via Mosel offer. As a follow-up to its Art in situ OAI8 competition, the OAI will highlight, in the next edition of this guide, the successful integration of works of art into the projects. Be impressed by discovering the achievements of the OAI professions! These creative and contextual responses shape our built and natural environment for the benefit of a resilient living together!



With a master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Nancy 2, Pierre Hurt has been the CEO of the OAI since it was formed in March 1990. He initiated a multitude of projects during this time, from the publication of the Guide-Références and the initiative to the creation of the Bauhärepräis, and the reactivation of the “Fédération des Travailleurs Intellectuels Indépendants”.


1. Direction générale du tourisme

2. Luxembourg for Tourism

3. Offices régionaux du tourisme

4. Luxembourg City Tourist Office

5. Escher City Tourist Office

6. minetttrail

7. viamosel
