OAI Architectour 2022

22 Architectour.lu © OAI 2023 spectacle and the spectator become one; the pan- oramic staircase leading to Echternach at Lakeside or the atriums of the home for the elderly in Clervaux both express this concern for convivial- ity and the search for peace. These approaches are not without a certain spiritual sensitivity, as represented by their opening out to the infinite panorama, the nature that has created all things, the accentuation of the play on natural light. These approaches reflect the most fundamental aspirations of mankind, the materials used in the constructions they inspire seemingly emanating from the landscapes themselves, from which they appear to rise quite naturally. Historic cultural heritage maintains its impact The concern for and attention placed on cultural heritage is currently undergoing a real renais- sance, as demonstrated by the new cultural heritage act of 25 th February 2022, which brings together for the first time the concepts and definitions of various international conventions that the Grand Duchy has ratified. The 14 high- lights showcased on Architectour.lu are fine examples of how the objectives of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention, the main purpose of which is to ensure the appropriate protection, management and planning of landscapes, are being met. The Villa Collart represents an impressive symbiosis between the park and the substance of the building itself, the authentic character of which has been enhanced by its inte- rior refurbishment, representing the successful conversion of a former private property into a public place. The refurbishment and extension