OAI Architectour 2022

194 Architectour.lu © OAI 2023 ENG — A former school, a place which bears the name of an ironmaster, a pond, a wagon abandoned on its rails, a leisure park or a water reservoir… No, this isn’t a Prévert-style inventory, but a quick synopsis of some of the eleven sites that host the new lodgings for hikers along the Minett Trail which winds through the territory of the 11 municipalities gathered within Pro-Sud. Resulting from a competition organised by the OAI and Pro-Sud in the form of an anonymous consultation of architects, it was a question of proposing lodgings with unusual architecture through the construction of a new building or the rehabilitation of an existing structure, and to document the history of the Minett, a region rich in its human capital born of migrations and its industrial past. Bringing together 11 architectural compe- titions, this highly innovative procedure, in particular through the synergies it offers, is a first for Luxembourg. ON THE PATH OF THE MINETT TRAIL GITES More informations : www.architectour.lu/ minetttrail As part of the