OAI Architectour 2022
19 Articles changes into account, always with a view to ensuring a better quality of life. This ‘soft skill’ plays an important role in the economic stabi- lisation and development of a destination and of a market. Several of these 14 highlights are key initiatives and have been awarded the Bauhärepräis (project owner’s award) or the Luxembourg Architecture Award. A gradual cultural awareness of architecture Architecture illustrates a certain freedom of cultural expression and ensures the existence of diverse landscapes. These become places of social cohesion and democratic expression. Architecture does not view the landscape as ‘property’ and makes no distinction between the ‘cultural’ and the ‘natural’ landscape, but it does consider it essential to individual and social physical, physiological, psychological and intellectual well-being. It considers the landscape a space to be carefully managed to ensure sustainable development and as a resource for promoting economic activity. The inclusion of architecture as a separate sector within the KulturLX project launched in 2020 by the Ministry of Culture is certainly something to be celebrated. The architectural sector, which is therefore officially recognised as a form of cultural expression, helps the government to implement new strategies to help improve the visibility and dissemination of Luxembourg’s cultural creativity. Archi- tectural interventions cannot be hidden from view, and in fact make up the historical heritage of the future, forming a whole, along with
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