OAI Architectour 2022

18 Architectour.lu © OAI 2023 ENG — The 4 th edition of the Architectour.lu guide once again confirms the dynamism and creativity of Luxembourg’s architecture and engineering sector. The importance of the sector is reflected beyond the statistics alone, with some 537 archi- tectural firms and 218 engineering consultancies established in Luxembourg and employing some 5,600 people in 2022 — a previously unrivalled figure. Rapid demographic development, with over 645,000 inhabitants as of 31 December 2021 (up 43,000 since the last edition of Architectour. lu in 2018), requires a high level of housing pro- duction, the adaptation of mobility infrastruc- ture, the development of new concepts, concern to be shown for the environment and great attention to climate change. The 500,000-job milestone was just reached on 31 st March 2022, and the number of cross-border commuters is expected to peak again at 212,343 on 31 st December 2021 (STATEC). The Covid-19 pan- demic has seen more people working remotely and resulted in a new perception of public spaces, while the lack of energy, building mate- rials and human resources has brought with it new challenges. All of these changes have had a profound effect on the construction industry, and there are many other challenges ahead, not least climate change and landscape conservation. The Architectour.lu project selection commit- tee has chosen 14 highlights that take these 14 HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR LANDSCAPES Dr Robert L. Philippart